Sunday, September 05, 2004

OK, a Few More Sentences...

The youngest brother of a good friend passed away last week. I just found out about it yesterday. While I had only met him once, briefly, about five years ago, hearing about a young person passing away definitely puts a new spin on life. I learned a while ago that we're not guaranteed a long life, that youth doesn't equal immortality, that good people can get taken away from us too soon. Every once in a while, though, we get a reminder. Be good to each other and yourselves, enjoy what you have, and don't spend too much time worrying about what you don't have. In the end, you can't take it with you. No one's tombstone reads "Work 60 Hours a Week" or "Pulled in Six Digits" or "Drove a Kickass Car."

And on that somewhat depressing-but-deep note, I'm going to go do some laundry. Life isn't always exciting, but it is precious. Enjoy your laundry, everyone.

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