Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, May I Have Your Attention Please

You are privilaged to be present for the premiere of my latest work... a series of poetic masterpieces devoted to the literary muse that is the honey bucket. FYI- These works of art contain several blatant references to poo (scat, doodoo, shite, #2, caca, merde). If poo offends you, then may I suggest you perhaps scroll down and not partake of my poetic genius. Remember, though, poo is a fact of life. Poo poo poo poo poo. Poo.

A Limerick
There once was a bucket of honey,
Whose contents were sadly quite runny.
I opined with a shout, "OH I MUST TAKE IT OUT!"
And emptied it quick as a bunny.

A Haiku
Sweet honey bucket
Its pungent aroma wafts
Please, friend, poo at school

A Nursery Rhyme

Little Miss Mucket
Sat on her bucket,
Pooing the old-fashioned way.
Then along came a spider,
Nay, it did not fright 'er,
But the smell chased that spider away.

Free Form
the can.
no longer a place
for magazine reading
and thoughtful introspection.
the clean, flowing woosh
of a simplistic flush
now not a right,
but a privilage.
a quarter-filled
five gallon bucket
of nominal irony.
It sure doesn't smell
like honey.

Thank you and goodnight. Tip your waitresses well and take a hot bartender home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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