Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Insanity, Carefully Measured and Monitored

It's Cultural Week here at Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat. Basically, every afternoon, the different age groups (k-2, 3-6, and Jr High/High School) get to say ix-nay on the egular-ray asses-clay and do cultural activities. Since I don't have "my" own classroom (I pull out other people's students), I am helping out with the high school girls' activities. We get to make leather-and-fur baby booties, bead bracelets, and qaspeqs.

Nicely put, it's chaotic. Managed, organized chaos, but chaos. I like structure in my life, so it's a challenge to let go of my desire to make everything quiet, organized, and calm. I'm trying my hardest, really.


Anonymous said...

What is a qaspeq?

The Smacca said...

Dear Anonymous reader, this is a a qaspeq (which I think is spelled qaspaq, now that I think about it):