Sunday, January 02, 2005

I really, really, really ought to be upset about this...

But school's supposed to start tomorrow, and the weather's been bad, and a sewer pipe burst in the school building.

Why am I not upset, or more accurately, why am I so happy?

Because all of this means that I get an extra day of vacation. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm like a prisoner who's been given a stay of execution. The bad weather means that we're short 9 staff for tomorrow 'cuz they're stuck in Bethel (that's a lot of staff to be short a school our size, in a place where there are no certified substitute teachers), and the burst sewer pipe means that there's no water in the school. Put those two together, and school tomorrow would just be us babysitting a bunch of kids in the gymnasium, showing movies on the projector and trying to keep the kindergarteners from killing each other.

Yippee! I mean, oh, how sad. A day of education, down the tubes. Well, not down the tubes, I'm sure we'll have to have Saturday school at some point to make up for it, but still...


Anonymous said...

Sara, I'm sitting at home today because of a winter ice storm which has Wichita pretty much shut down. I hope that we have enough bread and beer to get us through....!

Uncle J

The Smacca said...

Bread and beer... sounds healthy... I'm sure you'll be fine!