Thursday, November 09, 2006

What is This "Teaching" You Speak Of?

It's Thursday, and we're finally having school. Freeze-up combined with the death of someone in the village kept our attendant population under 60% on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. This meant that I came to school every morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (or at least washed, which is a step in the right direction, I suppose), only to leave an hour and a half later when we confirmed that we had too few students to hold a legal day. Basically, an hour and a half of work that does not count as work. We have to make it up. Grr.

I had a lot of week-long lesson plans set, so I'm just going to scratch them and use them next week. I can't imagine the kids will be too focused today or tomorrow anyway.

1 comment:

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

I am really blown away that there isn't school when the student population is so low!! Honestly, I don't know here if the school would ever be open with their attendance record! The Inuit here just don't seem to value an education and there isn't enough law enforcement to make it happen!