Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Lookit My New Wheels

You know, the moment in a young professional's life when she buys a new vehicle is supposedly a big one. You know... you didn't have a nice car through college or whatever because you just didn't have the cash. But when you finally get the dough, you buy a new car.

Except I didn't buy a car.

A car here is far beyond my needs and budget at the moment.

So I did what everyone here does. I bought a 4-wheeler, as you have no doubt figured out from the picture, it being worth a thousand words and all.

Also, notice the nice layer of ice on our driveway. See, our neighbors' water (shower, sinks, etc) drains under their house... then flows downhill onto our driveway. Great fun.


Jody said...

ooooooh, pretty!

Anonymous said...

It's almost as fancy as the your love mazda was!

Anonymous said...

...and you don't have to worry about your Dad borrowing it on weekends......


Anonymous said...

yay! I agree with chrisp. You need to come visit and since Nunap. is not far from Akiuk, you can just drop by before you go there! yay!

Anonymous said...

smacca, do you have ANY idea what a desirable woman that thing would make you in my neck of the woods?