Thursday, August 25, 2005


How can I be sick ALREADY? School just started on Monday. This school is like a petri dish, I swear. An environment specifically designed to make it easy for germies to grow. More so than other elementary schools, I swear.

One of the native aides here at school (a friend) SWEARS there's a local plant that will make me feel better if boiled to make tea. I think, however, that it's this. You know, like... a hallucinogen. It does say, though, that it's a useful tonic in small doses. And it's a plant that grows naturally around here. It can't be illegal, can it? Can a plant's existence, in and of itself, be illegal? What if it just grows in my yard? Do they arrest me or the plant?

Disclaimer: Drugs are bad, 'mkay?

1 comment:

Shibby said...

Never heard of the plant itself being illegal, and I read that you can get the reduced oil from "natural medicine" stores, so I'd assume you're just fine. But do say hi to "le fee verte" if you see her, mmkay? ;-)