Friday, March 11, 2005


For us unattached, non-sport-playing, non-against-leg-shaving-as-a-general-rule women, we eventually reach a moment at which we must bite the bullet and de-fuzz. In many cases, such as mine, it arises out of simple desire. I'm perfectly aware that I do not need to shave. I am just fine with my leg hair. We're friends, even. Thus the whole not shaving through the dark months and not caring who sees me in my shorts. After a while, I kind of started to like the fuzz. Besides, we have body hair to regulate body temperature, and I live in freakin Alaska. A little fuzz is more than appropriate, sez I.

Yesterday, though, I shaved. I'm going to Cali-freakin-fornia, and it just seemed like as good a time as any. And for some sick, twisted reason, I got to thinking... let's say Aliens were studying our planet and practices. They might see this First Shaving After A Very Long Time might appear to be a seasonal riual of some sort. How might their anthropological notes on the matter look?

You women out there know the ritual. First, you make sure you have PLENTY of time and a fresh razor blade. Maybe put on some music, although I didn't go this route. Announce to those around that you are going to perform the ritual ("Hey Roomie, I'm going to shave my legs!"). Now, this is not generally a public ritual, although there are no strict rules prohibiting it. Generally, however, the practitioner secludes herself in the ritual chamber ("bathroom"). At this point, the specific rites can vary. Many women choose to disrobe entirely and completely immerse in water (a "bath"), or stand under a spray of water (a "shower"). Others choose to only partially undress and only bathe the legs.

Thus begins the First Shaving Of The Legs After A Very Long Time. The shaving process, while fairly routine during the summer months, can present the woman with some difficulty the first time around. The shaving implement (A "razor") has to be cleansed ("rinsed") repeatedly to keep it in good working order.

After the ritual, the woman emerges from the ritual chamber refreshed and ready to face a season of short- and skirt-wearing. She may now announce to all that she has shaved, and allow others to "feel how smooth they are." Subsequent summer shavings are far less formal and time-consuming, but the woman my perform the First Shaving Of The Legs After A Very Long Time whenever she feels it is appropriate.

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