Thursday, November 15, 2007

Apologies in Advance

Wow, I had a whole long post, but my computer crashed and it disappeared. So, I'll re-create, but I've lost some of my writing gusto, so it's probably not as exciting as the original. Here goes...

I don't want to turn this into an All-Baby-All-The-Time blog. I really don't. In spite of that, it may just happen... against my will, I swear.

I'll try to blog about other things, but it's hard to FIND other things to blog about. I'm in a comfortable pattern up here, and comfortable patterns, while comfortable, are not particularly blog-worthy.

So... yeah. Baby post. I made a blanket. It's for next winter, really, but I felt the sewing itch now and scratched it. Notice the lack of pastel pink, blue, green, and yellow.


Anonymous said...

Cute blanket! I am sure he/she will love the bright colors, but as a future Grandma, I must warn you, their will be some pink or blue! Love - Mommac

Anonymous said...

You are quite the Susie Homemaker there, dear! Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - my baby is an April baby too (I'm in your due date club) and I am desperately trying to minimize the inevitable Easter Explosion of colours. :)

*melanie from

harmonie said...

Cute blanket! I agree that you'll be given plenty pink or blue, so making something more neutral is smart. (I found you through the MDC DDC)