Monday, October 22, 2007


OK, boys and girls. Since we've got no school today (river is half frozen, so we didn't have enough kids to call it a school day), and I'm feeling teacherly, I'm going to administer a pop quiz. Please study the picture below, and answer the question that follows.

In this photograph, Sara is barefoot and _________ in the kitchen.
a. a man
b. pregnant
c. picking her nose
d. not wearing underpants

If you chose option *b*, you are correct. Due May 1. Shaun wrote a very nice post all about our trip to Anchorage for my appointment. No ultrasound pic to show off, though; they were fresh out of paper for the printer.


Unknown said...


Jody said...

wow wow wow wow wow!!!!
and another wow, just for good measure!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've bookmarked your blog so I can read all about it. Shaun states that he doesn't want to be a crazy-baby-blogger who blogs about baby's first spittle, but I'm hoping you'll be because it'd be highly enjoyable. :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats, darlin'!