Thursday, July 20, 2006


Summer is winding down. I know it doesn't FEEL like summer is winding down, but it is.

For me, at least.

Soon, I'll be back to work. Well, new work. Or... the same work, in a different school, in the same district, with some of the same coworkers I worked with my first year of teaching.

I'm gonna miss summer... but when it comes right down to it, I don't LIKE sitting around, despite the fact that I seem to be quite gifted in around-sitting. I get stuck. Then I get lethargic and depressed, which makes me lazy. Then I get more stuck. It's a vicious cycle, really.

These next few weeks should be sufficiently harried and action-packed, so hopefully I'll be well broken out of my slump by the time I head back to Alaska.

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