Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Tomorrow we leave for Faribanks. Then you can all stop reading about it and start reading about how I'm all excited for Christmas break. I know, you're holding your collective breath. Please try and contain your excitement.

I can taste the beer already.

The good stuff.

Not the cheap crap my sister drinks.

Sorry Mel.

But you know it's true.


Axl said...

Sara Mac - I'm now in delurk mode. Enjoy reading your blog. I don't remember drinking any good beer when I was in Alaska 6 years ago so maybe that has changed now. Minny is just a big brown frozen tundra right now, we need snow. ANyway, have a great Thanksgiving. GO Vikes!


The Smacca said...

Hello Jack, Mr. TNO Target Representative ;-)

Sounds like your weather is a lot like ours... the snow melted (or rather, was beaten down by snowy-rainy-crap) and its been fairly mild and boring around here. The tundra is brown and needs snow to cover it up.

Icy-snowy-rainy crap started some time last night... I REALLY hope the planes can fly today!

Axl said...

Those damn bell ringers were giving me a headache so I had a tete-a-tete with the CEO and he agreed to kick them off premise ;)

The Smacca said...

Um yeah. Sure. You have that power. I totally believe you.