Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Buffering... Buffering... Buffering...

Welcome to my holding pattern. We're in housing purgatory right now. We had a great plan for summer... rent a house! Stevens Point is a college town, so there are always summer rentals a-plenty. We get cheap (if slightly college-ghetto) housing, they get to not have their house sit empty... win-win situation!

Through Shaun's mom, we found a house (two bedroom, close to downtown and therefore bars, not an apartment so we don't have to worry about Loki bothering neighbors) that seemed to suit our needs... and it was set to be available just as we got home. Good, Great, GRAND!

But... you know... shit happens. Shit, in this case, involved the house's former occupant being, shall we say, slightly hesitant to leave. We were supposed to be able to move in on the June 2nd, but the landlord called and said that she wouldn't be out for a few extra days, so they'd give us an apartment to live in, rent-free, until she moved out.

Well... it's the 19th. Apparently she JUST moved out, but left the house in such a state that they feel the need to go through and document/photograph because it could become a legal issue.

Good news... we're living rent-free.

Bad news... we haven't unpacked yet. We call it "indoor camping." We didn't bring any pots or pans over, so we're pretty much living on sandwiches (which suits me just fine since I LOVES me a good sammich) and other foods that don't require cooking. Honestly, it's not as unhealthy as you'd imagine. I haven't gained any weight thus far, at least.

I'm not complaining, I swear. I've lived without flush plumbing. Last year, Shaun and I lived with scary mold in the ceiling of our a smaller-than-one-room apartment. For two weeks, our heat was stuck on, and we only had one window that actually opened. We've become pretty roll-with-the-punches, really.


Anonymous said...

A daily diet of sandwiches must be pretty rough since you can no longer get your Polski Wyrobs. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Dude, have you considered looking for something else? Having to document for legal purposes never means that it's going to be a quick resolution.

On the other hand, rent free!

The Smacca said...

See, the people we're renting from HAVE another place available that would be slightly better than what we have. Right now, we're in the upstairs of a duplex, which is (a) hot because it's summer and the house isn't air conditioned and (b) a pain in the butt with the dog. We're having to take him downstairs to pee, and worried that when he barks (which isn't often), he's bothering the downstairs neighbors...

The available place is the downstairs of a duplex... so the hot and dog-potty issues are taken care of, but there's always the chance that they'll rent out the upstairs to people who don't appreciate slobbery, jumping chocolate labs. The standalone house would be ideal... we just need to decide if it's worth it. You KNOW the second we moved in there, the other place would be ready. *shrugs* It's a toss-up.

And anyways, we've gotten good at indoor camping. Call it "minimalist," call it "spartan," we call it (temporary) home. :D