Tuesday, May 01, 2007


It's been a while, huh?

How is it May already? I've been swamped. Well, not swamped in the all-day-every-day busy kind of swamped, but whenever I'm at school, which is my internetting location, I'm busy. Henceforth and hitherto, no new blog posts in quite a while.

Hmm, a summary. We're planning to use up all our leftover scrap paper to make homemade paper (a way fun process) next week, my team took 10th place for Trivia (our first top 10 finish), the river is starting to break up (a friend's dog fell through the ice yesterday while we were out ice fishing), 17 school days remain until we're released for the summer, I've read a few good books lately, but nothing mind-blowing, and we finished our marriage prep at the Catholic church in Bethel. Each of these incidents COULD have been a separate post, but alas, that time has passed. Now is the time for brief summaries.

I'll post some ice fishing pics when I get them (they're on Shaun's computer right now)


nausikaa25 said...

Hey... have you got any more information about 'village English'? Especially in regards to its grammatical structure? Any information you might have would be great.


Greetings from Germany!


The Smacca said...

Shoot me an e-mail at the.smacca@gmail.com. I can't access your e-mail from your profile. I don't have much scientific information, just some casual observations I've made.