Saturday, January 29, 2005

You may call me...

I had to get a Yup'ik name for my Yup'ik language class... Our first assignment was to ask someone to give us a name.

So, like a good little homework-doing student, I went to one of the teachers and asked her to give me a name. Asked her to please make it one that I could pronounce.

She looked at me for a while, thinking. I kinda stood there, feeling like I was being evaluated or something. A bit uncomfortable, really, but that's ok.

Finally, she speaks---

Her: How about Aciuvaliralria?

Me: Um, what?

Her: (slower) A-ciu-va-li-ral-ria. Aciu for short.

Me: Um, could you write that down?

Her: Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

So yeah. Something I can pronounce. Sure. ;-)

1 comment:

The Smacca said...

I could... if I knew what it meant. ;-)

I'll work on finding that out. I know that the end of it... "Aliralria" is the last name of some of our students. Beyond that? No clue.